A Special Message

I'm not an expert on weight loss, nutrician, fitness, diets, etc. & don't claim to be. I just do a lot of research on the subjects, so I can bring you the best information I can find. You won't find a lot of hokey fad diet crap on this blog, just honest info you can use to become more healthy & fit. Hope you enjoy it. Terry

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weight Loss Power Food - Dark Meat

Sure, dark meat has more fat than white meat does, but have you ever considered what the actual difference is? Once you do, Thanksgiving won't be the only time you "call the drumstick."

Why it's healthy: The extra fat in dark turkey or chicken meat raises your levels of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that makes you feel fuller, longer. The benefit: You'll be less likely to overeat in the hours that follow your meal. What about your cholesterol? Only a third of the fat in a turkey drumstick is the saturated kind, according to the USDA food database. (The other two-thirds are heart-healthy unsaturated fats.) What's more, 86 percent of that saturated fat either has no impact on cholesterol, or raises HDL (good) cholesterol more than LDL (bad) cholesterol—a result that actually lowers your heart-disease risk.

As for calories, an ounce of dark turkey meat contains just 8 more calories than an ounce of white meat.

How to eat it: Just enjoy, but be conscious of your total portion sizes. A good rule of thumb: Limit yourself to 8 ounces or less at any one sitting, which provides up to 423 calories. Eat that with a big serving of vegetables, and you'll have a flavorful fat-loss meal. Hope this is helpful!
As always, I look forward to your comments & suggestions. THANKS for visiting. Terry

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